Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I did it!!

I drove today!! I was pretty proud of myself, and it wasn't to horrible the traffic wasn't bad and all I had to do was follow the GPS directions to my destination. We had to take back the rental
:( sad cuz' we really love the GPS. And I got to drive that while Josh took our car, silly guy actually thought I knew where to go. Nope and the dork didn't even wait for me anyways. So I followed the GPS and made it there by myself!!! However though it wasn't the right place, it was because you can return cars there but it wasn't cuz' Josh wanted to go to a different place. Then he should of told me and plugged it into the GPS himself.

1 comment:


I am so glad that you survived. It can be scary driving here at first. Hopefully, you will get to know the area quickly.