Tuesday, March 10, 2009


We've been pretty here. Josh's dad was here for a visit then 7 days after he left Josh's mom and sister were here for a visit. It was so great to have them here and have them meet Zoey and show them the sights. It makes me miss my family more though. I wish that they could all fly out and visit us. Hopefully we'll still be able to visit them. It was a blast going to places we haven't seen yet and of course re-seeing the ones we have. We went to Union Station (looks like an airport, but for trains. Would you call it a 'trainport?') and the air and space musem and the Jefferson memorial, we rode the metro and went to Arlington (that place will take your breath away) it was just amazing. Ginger loves to feed the birds at union station and at one point they were on me and Ginger kept telling them to get off me. To cute. We also went to the botanical gardens, which were AMAZING. It was just great to have them here.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

It is so nice when you get to have people visit but there is always a let down feeling when they leave. I also thought Arlington was amazing. You are lucky to live in a place with so many historical things are within driving distance. The girls look adorable and I am sure Josh's family thought they were wonderful.