Wednesday, March 18, 2009


What can I say about my little psycho?? She is such a 2 yr old that it just isn't funny. She loves to not listen to me or Josh. She LOVES her sister Zoey. She can just talk and talk all day long. She loves to run up and down the hall way. She loves to get out of the apartment and play outside, which we've had a pretty rainy week :( She'll talk back to me, that's including a hand on her hip with the other one pointed at me and then she'll storm off in a huff, where'd she learn that??? ;) (I have to capture that on camera yet, oh but I'm determined) If things don't go her way she'll throw herself on the ground and start flailing(sp?) around like a fish out of water and scream, just ask Dani, she was witnessed this at her house. We went to the zoo a week ago and Ginger got the biggest kick ever there. It was so fun to watch her face light up, when a bear stalked past her and when a bird landed right in front of her, or when the river otters did flips off the glass in front of her. Of course for the most part we had to chase her, but I loved hearing the strangers around laugh as Ginger would rush past them and say to me, I bet she's a handful, and I couldn't help but grin at that. Not a day goes bye that she dosen't make me smile or just laugh out loud. I just love my psycho 2 yr old.

She is really enjoying cooking dinner with us
She was sooo cute with this bird, right after this pic was taken, she told the bird I love you.

This is Ginger watching the River otters, glad I caught that.


Ginger said...

Boy, does she remind me of you. Especially that throwing herself on the ground thing. I am glad you are enjoying her. Time flies by so quickly. I know it seems like some days never end, but before you know it, she will be in school. She is extra cute.

Shelli said...

Thanks for sharing, Amanda! She is too cute. Sassy, but what a fun girl! You are just the mom to really appreciate her. Mom's right -- they do grow up way too quickly!

The Northwest Bunch said...

Your family has grown to quick and the pictures are so cute. I survived the Delaynie years and you too will survive. You are doing amazing. Keep up the great job!!