Saturday, December 20, 2008

Measuring Small

I'm already a lazy person but now I get to be EXTRA lazy, per doc's orders.

So yesterday we had my doctor's appointment, no biggy, regular prenatal check up, well apparantly I was measuring small. I was measuring 33 centimeters when I should be measuring 35 cuz' I'm 35 weeks preggo. So the Doc had me go to the hospital and get a ultra sound just to make sure cuz' she could of measured wrong. Well the baby is measuring via ultrasound at 33 weeks so they put me on bedrest!! Holy crap I was still reeling from that news when the told me that I also have to go do non-stress tests twice a week till the baby is born. Holy moly. I think the nurse said something about a growth restriction but I'm not sure, I'll get more info on Monday when I go in for my first non-stress test. Luckily Josh has this next week off so he can help me out, he's already got dinners planned out for the next week so that all I'll have to do is reheat them. He even set up the extra twin bed in the living room so I can have my bedrest there :). What a good man. He yells at me when I try to help a little around the house. But I dont' know what bedrest exactly means should I let my house get trashed and my kid run loose. BTW bedrest is silly when you have a small child I don't know how it gets done, so if you guys have some pointers on how I can deal with this please let me know. This came at the worst time ever. I'm away from home for the first time ever and christmas is just around the corner. I can't even finish going shopping for Josh so he's buying his presents this year, at least he'll like what he gets this time. I'll make it up to him. Ginger thinks it's cool that there's a bed in the living room.


Shelli said...

He is a good man! Make sure you take it easy. Ask Lauri what bed rest means -- she's been there, done that. Also our cousin Sherry (her blog is linked on my blog). Keep us up to date!

kristifritzel said...

Yeah, bedrest stinks. Yes, it means you let your house get trashed. It's a hard one, and sometimes I think not too realistic with munchkins around. Hang in there......Almost done!

PS how'd the stress test go?


Keep us updated. I am sorry that this is such a rough time for you. It totally sucks!