Sunday, September 20, 2009

If I had superpowers...

If I had superpowers it wouldn't be flying or x-ray vision or super strength or lightning speed... it would be doing laundry in a blink of an eye!! Seriously. In a blink of an eye ALL the laundry would be clean, dried, folded and put away just the way I like it. I think that superpower would be better than ANY of the other super powers that super heros have out there. But then none of them are parents (that I know of) or stay at home moms/dads so they don't know what a daunting task of doing laundry is. I'd rather takle a bad guy rather than laundry somedays. And my kryptonite would be poopy diapers.

Did you know you could seriously knock down your energy bill just by hang drying your clothes? You can. We save $20-50 a month. It super sucks having to do it and you have to do a load basically EVERY day otherwise you get behind. I cheat sometimes and use the dryer but the motor in mine is kinda overheating when I dry clothes in it and it never really fully dries my clothes unless it's a super small load so I guess it's a good thing I'm hang drying my clothes anyways. *sigh* I can't wait till the day when we move into a place where I can bring my front load, energy saving, triple load washer and dryer out of storage... until then I'm doing what I'm doing.


Shelli said...

I'd love to have that super power, too!!! And don't you love the way your clothes smell after they've dried in the sun? It is one of my favorite smells. Your whites come out much cleaner and brighter, too, because the sun is a natural bleach. Very nice!

Amanda said...

well i live in an apartment so i can't really hang my clothes out outside i have to do it inside. but we did while ginger was a baby, and they dried quicker outside too.

Curtis and Deedra said...

That's a bummer that you can't really use your dryer but at least you're saving money :)

Ginger said...

I think laundry is one of the worst things to do. I was never caught up when the kids were home. It just won't go away.