Monday, February 16, 2009


In Sunday school yesterday (still kinda hard to believe that I'm going) the teacher asked us what it felt like to have faith in Christ many people answered but one man answered in a way that I personally felt was what it was like. He said that it was like coming to church on a cold winter day, walking through the cold then entering the church where it's warm and there are many people there who love you. I thought that that was a great description. As I was listening to everyone I couldn't help but think of Zoey in my arms and thinking that this is faith in Christ. Just holding a newborn baby in your arms is (in my opinion) faith in Christ you feel good inside you get the warm fuzzies you look into their eyes and you see their innocence, and you feel the love. No matter where I was in life I've always had faith in Christ.


Ginger said...

I know just what you mean. I always had that feeling with a new baby. I also always had faith in Christ. I remember as a young girl, about 5 or 6 years old, walking to the neighborhood church. We lived about 2 blocks from the church. I just wanted to be there. No one went with me, don't know if my Mom even knew I was there, but I would walk down to the front and sit and listen. I seemed to have a love for Jesus all my life. It is important to me that my family shares that love of our Savior. I think it makes life's bumps go a little smoother as well as give you a good foundation. I am so glad you are experiencing these feelings.

Curtis and Deedra said...

Babies are such miracles that they always bring around great feelings like that. I'm glad things are going well for you. Always keep that faith :)

How old is your baby? Mine will be 2 weeks old tomorrow.

Shelli said...

I agree, babies are a window into eternity. They even smell like heaven!

I remember that about you -- even when you were young, you had that faith. I think it makes life that much easier, that much sweeter.


I love your analogy. I totally agree both my faith in Christ and Sammy give me a warm feeling and a deep sense of peace. I love that feeling. I am glad that you are going back to church again and able to share your faith with others.