Thursday, July 24, 2008

Binky or no Binky?

My little girl is a binky baby all the way. And I don't know what to do about, as well as Josh. I want her to have it till she's 2 and Josh wants it to be gone! Everytime I tell someone that I want to get rid of it but I can't bring myself to do it, one cuz' it'll be like throwing away the last bit of her baby-ness away and two cuz' she'll cry, they just say the worst thing that'll happen is she'll cry. And I just look at them thinking 'wow, that must be really easy to say when its not your freaking kid crying her eyes out till all hours of the night and then will just pass out from the tears' I hate that. However, while I was gone last night on my girls night. Josh decided to take the binky matter into his own hands and "tamper" with them. He cut one in half and the other he poked a hole in it. So now they're broken. When he told me this I couldn't help but laugh espcially when he got to the part where Ginger is holding her broken binky in bed and looks up at him with big water filled eyes and lips trembling and says "it broken daddy" if it were me I would of cracked and gone to the store then and there cuz' I would of felt like the worst parent ever. She only cried for 2 hours and then slept through the night. At nap time today she only cried for 1 1/2 hour and is now sleeping. So obviously I've decided to give the no binky thing a try. Please pray for not to crack. Cuz' I sure do love those mouth plugs.


Ginger said...

My rule is no binkies, diapers or bottles in kindergarten. And everyone one my children agreed and went along with the plan. I know it is suspose to be bad for their teeth, but still......

Vidal's Nest said...

I am all for Mom's kindergarten rule. Grace still takes one! We tried and tried, but it has been too traumatic! For me!
Plus, Sherry said the orthodontist they go to said it doesn't affect the teeth. Go for it!