Monday, July 21, 2008

13 weeks and 5 days

And still going!! I can't believe I've only been pregnant for such a short time and yet it feels like its been forever. I'm impatient with being pregnant, I want it go by quickly. I can't to feel the first time it moves and I can't wait till the next trimester it just seems that I want the baby NOW but I also love being pregnant. Its been great so far minimal morning sickness, which is now gone, the fatiuge is slowly going away, although I do love my naps. And of course the belly is slowly getting bigger which makes me happy cuz' soon it'll look more like a baby bump instead of chub. My appetite has gotten HUGE I'm always hungry and it annoys me cuz' I'm so tired that I don't want to eat every 2-3 hrs but if I don't I get cranky. Just ask Josh, yesterday at a family's b-day party he took the ketchup before me and I totally snapped at him. He should know better by now that a hungry pregnant person is way more important than his hunger. My next prenantal appointment will be next month and I hope she'll be as great as what my first impression of her was.


Vidal's Nest said...

Go ahead and eat girl. You look tiny so you should be ok. Cute little prego bump!

Ginger said...

That is nothing. I'll show you a belly! No that would be cruel.