Friday, September 18, 2009


If you guys have been following mine and my moms facebook then you already know this and if not then you will. My brother Austin and his girl Colette went yesterday to find out if they were having a girl or boy... ITS A GIRL!!! Super exciting. But the news weren't all that good they discovered something about the brain,hydrocephaly I guess it's called (my mom knows a whole lot more) and today they had some more testing and it turns out the baby doesn't have a brain just a brain stem. So they're not going to be able to keep the baby. We are all devasted over this. And poor Austin and Colette to have to go through this. I wish I could be with them and help out any way I can. It's just so horrible.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

I am just heartbroken over this. I wish there was something we could do to ease their sorrow. I can't think of anything more difficult. They are in our prayers.