Saturday, August 2, 2008

My Kid is a BRAT!!!

OMG!!! I can't believe how big of a brat my child is. It's insane. And it's a little rough on me when Josh is at work. He works 12 hr shifts. I'm going to lose my mind. I don't know if it's going to get worse or stay the same throughout her terrible two's. She'll be 2 this month. When she has a tantrum boy does she have one, she'll throw things, kick things, if I'm in the area she'll bite, hit or kick or pinch me. It's enough to make me think that child abuse isn't all that much of a bad thing (not really but on those days...) I don't even know what to do, I'm flying blind. All I can do is put her in the corner or throw her in her room. Once I put her in her room she'll throw her tantrum for more than a 1/2 hr. Oh man Oh man. I think I'm crazy for wanting a another kid when she acts like that. I hope I can handle it but I'm not sure. At least I know my kid is a brat, I've met moms who just don't see and refuse to believe it. The way I look at is it should only last till she's 3 until she's more "rounded" (can't think of another word). I know the tantrums won't go away magically when she turns 3 but I wouldn't expect so. She is my daughter after all.


Shelli said...

Ah, Mandy -- I remember when you were Ginger's age. Oh, the fits you could throw! Did you ever hear the story about when you threw a fit at Mom's house? You whacked your head on the tile, and it shocked you right out of it. From then on, every time you'd throw a fit, you'd conveniently find your way to the carpet before you got started! My best advice -- watch The Nanny! She's a better parent than I'll ever be! And remember, some days, just surviving is a success!

Vidal's Nest said...

Yeah~ Mine are brats too and I know it!
I also remember that time you threw yourself down on the tile! Scary.
Do you think we have kids like this because of Karma?
Grace is the most difficult one right now. She is so strong willed. I love that about her but it is so hard at times too!

Ginger said...

Shelli is right! No one could throw a fit like you! It's pay back time. Hee Hee!